Dr. Amitava Chowdhury

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Dr. Amitava Chowdhury is the Special Advisor to the Dean on Global and Decolonization Initiatives. As the Special Advisor to the Dean, Dr. Chowdhury advises on global and decolonization initiatives to ensure they are in accordance with the Faculty's Strategic Plan.

Dr. Chowdhury is an Associate Professor and Chair of Undergraduate Studies in the Department of History. He is a historian and historical archaeologist of agrarian labour regimes and colonial plantations in the British Empire, and methodologically, he is interested in global history and diaspora theory. In the department, he is also the co-director of the Global History Initiative, a faculty and graduate research forum in global history. Dr. Chowdhury is a former fellow of Harvard University's Weatherhead Initiative in Global History and a former Managing Editor of the Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Since arriving at Queen's in 2008, he has taught at every level, from first-year lectures to graduate seminars, and pedagogically, he is invested in globalizing and decolonizing the curriculum. 

He is the past winner of the Department of History's Teaching Excellence Award and has been nominated for several other teaching awards, including the Frank Knox Teaching Excellence Prize. His co-edited book Between Dispersion and Belonging won the 2017 CHOICE Outstanding Academic Title Award.